

Barba Roja, Garraf, Catalunya

Publié le | Catalunya Eng, Spain

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Barba Roja, a small route above the sea in Garraf, a small village between sea and mountains south of Barcelona. Although it's not an exceptional route, it's a very pleasant one, especially outside the tourist season. The big route is, however, moderately equipped, with a few exposed passages and more than a few old nails! On the other hand, the panorama is great, with a splendid view of the deep blue sea when the weather's right. A half-day outing, for a short vertical trip on a winter's afternoon.

Technical summary

Type ✦ Large equipped track

Location ✦ Garraf

Region ✦ Catalunya

Country ✦ Spain

Length ✦ 3

Vertical drop ✦ 115m

Difficulty max ✦ 6a /Ae

Interest ✦ ★

Access to the place

From Barcelona, take the C32 to Gava and Castelldefels, then the C31 to Garraf. In the village, park in the church square, for example.

Map & topo

Itinerary description

Hiking to the start 5'

Descend towards the port and follow the sea to reach the foot of La Falconera, clearly visible from the village.


The route is south-east facing and 115m long in 3 pitches (30m, 55m, 30m). The equipment is average, with some exposed passages. There are no nails on the last pitch, so you'll need a few stoppers if necessary. Mandatory difficulty is V+/6a (L1 and L2).

Length 1 (30m, V+/6a)

Climb the ramp easily to the right and link up with a small wall of suspect rock. It's equipped but the holds are a bit scary... A step or 2 in V+, not easy and committed, to exit onto a flat and head for the R1 belay higher up, to the right of the characteristic triangular slab, below the L2 wall.

Length 2 (55m, 6a)

This is the most interesting part. Climb a few meters, then a harder passage with a nice hole to pass through, without too many footholds. Above, it's best to stop at the 1st belay, as there's nothing left after that.

Length 3 (30m, IV)

No interest other than to finish. We pass a broken slope (watch out for the rocks that are just waiting to tumble down below) and end up on the ridge. No belay found, so climb one on the rocks. The view, however, is superb.


Follow the ridge on the path marked with large cairns and descend to the village along it. There are 1 or 2 passages equipped with ropes. Quick return to the village.


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