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Capo Pertusato

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Face à Bonifacio au retour de la randonnée

A beautiful coastal walk from Bonifacio to Capo Pertusato, a few kilometers further south-east, before retracing your steps. The trail is well worth the detour for its exceptional views of the parade of finely sculpted white chalk cliffs overlooking translucent green and blue waters. If you take a step back or return to Bonifacio, you can also admire the beauty of the old town, literally built into the cliffside, forming a quite exceptional whole. There's no difficulty, very little difference in altitude (around 300m) and an easy itinerary to follow, even if in places you have to make detours to avoid impassable creeks. The only minor drawback, apart from the need to make a return trip, is the number of tourists... we're more on the Cinto or Paglia Orba trails. Here, the traffic is non-stop, but it's still an interesting option for a day of recuperation in the sun.

Technical summary

Type ✦ Coastal hiking
Location ✦ Bonifacio
Region ✦ Corse du Sud
Country ✦ France
Distance ✦ 9.5 km
Difference in altitude ✦ 233 m
Difficulty ✦ F
Duration ✦ 3h to 4h
Interest ✦ ★★

Access to the place

Drive to the center of Bonifacio. Before going up to the old town, at the port, park in the parking lot on the left.

Map & topo

Voir en plein écran

Itinerary description

From the port, follow the marina to the south, then down the street below the ramparts to find the start of the coastal path a little further up. It's an easy walk, even if the round trip to Cap Pertusato is almost 10 km long. You can of course turn back beforehand, the main interest being to walk along the cliffs above the water and stand back to admire Bonifacio's old town. At the 3 points, the path makes an inward turn and follows the small road leading straight to the Pertusato lighthouse. A little further on, head straight down towards the Cap to reach the grotto and the island of Saint Antoine. On the way back, you can follow the coastline underneath before rejoining the main path from the outward journey.



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