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Cascata Piscina Irgas

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Cascata Piscina Irgas

Cascata Piscina Irgas, a hike to the east of Cagliari. A little before reaching the coast and Buggeru, a wild mountain range and the Montimannu state forest. Lost deep in the valleys, from Cantina Ferraris, the last forest house on the estate, you climb up the gorge of the riu Orrida to reach a huge waterfall at the very top, the goal of the hike. The ascent of the canyon presents no major difficulties in dry conditions, with only 2 or 3 exposed climbs (some of which can be bypassed), but in the rainy season, it could be a different story. The waterfall itself is impressive, but best seen with water. The canyon is apparently equipped to be descended, which might be a better option in spring, with water.

Technical summary

Access to the place

From Villacidro, head towards Montimannu on a narrow road. You then pass a dam on the right, before crossing over a 1st and then a 2nd bridge, thus circling the reservoir. Just after the 2nd bridge, take the track on the right, always following the signs for "Locanda del parco", and at the end, "Cantina Ferraris", where you can park. This is about 15 km from Villacidro, including 6 km of good road. The parking lot indicated on the Sardinia trekking guide map is a little before the houses (but there is a parking lot in front of the Cantina).

Map & topo

Itinerary description

Hiking to the start 5'

Descend to the level of the last houses of Cantina Ferraris and cross the riu (it is hidden by vegetation but close by). You'll soon come across an old, broken bridge and, opposite, cairns and the trekking trail.


Follow the cairns on the path leading into the valley on the left. After about 15′, we leave a path that climbs to the left. Instead, always follow the bed of the riu Orrida, sometimes passing in the bed, sometimes to the right or left. In all, there are 3 cascades to be climbed, each one bigger than the last.

Cascade 1 is easy to climb with a rope, while cascade 2 is a climb, but it's in the IV+ category, so will be difficult if there's water. This cascade can be bypassed by the top left. Cascade 3 is 45m vertical and is the famous Cascata Piscina Irgas, unfortunately dry when we passed through. You have to go around it to the right on a steep path and exit onto the ridge to admire the canyon from above. End of the canyon.


Continue up the ridge to find a path marked with blue dots. Following it eastwards, you can again enjoy a bird's-eye view of the entire route before descending into the next valley, through the woods and then along the Riu Cannissoni to the parking lot.



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