

Barranco de la Virgen, Sierra de Guara

Publié le | Aragon Eng, Spain

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Located on the banks of the Rio Mascun, near Rodellar, this small canyon is totally dry. It could be an introductory descent, or a way of completing the return from the Espolón de la Virgen via ferrata. There are 3 abseils to do, but the last 2 can be linked with a 2x40m rope to descend to the heart of a sort of water-smoothed basin. If it's crowded, you'll have to wait before reaching the Mascun basins, where you can dive in if the water isn't too cold.

Technical summary

Location ✦ Rodellar
Region ✦ Sierra de Guara, Aragon
Country ✦ Spain
Type ✦ Torrential canyon
Vertical rise ✦ 70m
Difficulty ✦ v2-a1-III
Max abseiling ✦ 12m
Duration ✦ 1h30 to 2h
Distance ✦ 1100m

Access to the place

Just before Huesca from Barcelona, turn right towards Abiego, then Bierge and finally, at the end of the road, the beautiful little village of Rodellar. You start from the village.

Map & topo

Itinerary description

Hiking to the start 15' à 20'

From the top of the ferrata, descend below the hermit's house to find a well-marked path. A few switchbacks down, the path heads sharply inland. As you cross a dry stream bed, the start of the barranco is unmistakable (clear rocky corridor to the east).

For an approach from Rodellar, follow the path that leads along the bed of the Mascun and reach the start of the canyon when the path crosses the torrent before climbing to the Maison de l'Ermite (top of the ferrata). Allow 20′ for the climb.

Course 30' à 1h

The canyon is short and well equipped. Completely dry, bring a 30m rope. Beware of crowds!

The aim here is to descend the downstream part of the barranco, which can start much higher up. This is what corresponds here to the "estrecho final" sector, which is in fact the most interesting.

After a few minutes in a narrow, vegetated stone corridor, and a few unclimbed ledges, the first abseil of around 4/5m is made. A comfortable start, then an unbalanced finish with your feet in the air.

Continue for a short time to find the 2nd and 3rd abseils linked together. At this point it's much more vertical and steep. A 1st abseil of 5m to reach the floor of a dry basin and a second more impressive and "volado" to slide suspended and land in a beautiful trap pot with pleated and well smoothed edges. From this pot you have to extract yourself with a not-so-simple climbing step and end up a few metres further down on the exit of the barranco.


Turn right into the Fuente d'escalade sector, which actually faces the resurgence. Follow the river, crossing it from time to time. A little further on, a well-marked path leads up the eastern slope, winding its way down to Rodellar.


Topo of barranco de la Virgen on Descente Canyon


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