

Putes Mosques al Roc d’En Sola, Perles, Catalunya, Spain

Publié le | Catalunya Eng, Spain

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Another discovery. Alt Urgell, between Organya and Oliana, the small village of Perles. Above, the Roc d'En Sola, the Roc d'En Betriu and the Pont de l'Arc. Routes galore on top-quality limestone, in a wild and tranquil setting. In short, the best. Faced with so much choice, it was the name of the route that guided us: Putes Mosques! (although we didn't see more than 3 flies that day). A superb route, varied and fairly demanding (6b), aerial and very well equipped. A highlight: the exit from the 3rd belay, a 6a traverse that's more than gassy. To finish, a short trip to the riu del Sallent and its natural pools and back to the perfect squat at Coll Piqué, above Coll de Nargo.

Technical summary

Access to the place

From the C14 between Coll de Nargo and seu, take the L401 towards Figols and park on the right just before entering the village of Perles (approx. 10 km from the junction).

Map & topo

Itinerary description

Hiking to the start 10'

Take the tiny arrowed path just opposite Perles. Follow it up the slope to reach the foot of the En Sola rock face without difficulty. The start of the route is just below the roof, easily recognizable (the start seems to be identical with Amistades Pellirojas).


The south-facing route is 90m long in 4 pitches (20m, 20m, 25m, 35m). The equipment is excellent.

L1 (20m, 6b)

Fine start and a good step halfway up the wall with a pincer and a delicate, somewhat physical recovery.

L2 (20m, 6a)

Scratchy slab, finote, trust your feet, mini reglettes on your fingers, the belay just under the roof.

L3 (25m, 6a)

An aerial traverse more impressive than difficult, then exit onto the slab above, part 2 with a few finer passages.

L4 (35m, 5c)

Sustained, thin in places, some nice cracks to arrive just below the ridge.


2 rappels on the next route. The 1st down the ridge, on the Mac gregor route (45m) then the 2d on Alinyencs (30m), arrival at the foot of the route and return by the approach path.


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