

Piscia di Gallo, Ospedale

Publié le | Corse-du-Sud Eng, Corsica

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Short but exceptionally intense. This canyon offers a sporty descent into an impressive aquatic world, leading to the magnificent Piscia di Gallo waterfall, recalled by the uninterrupted spray of water crashing against large granite boulders 60m below. It's a great experience, with a captivating soundtrack. And while there's a lot of tourist traffic upstream, you're on your own in the midst of the hustle and bustle until you reach the exit window, the edge of the waterfall from which you can see the Mediterranean in the distance. A not-to-be-missed option in southern Corsica.

Technical summary

Type ✦ Water canyon
Location ✦ Ospedale
Region ✦ Corse du Sud
Country ✦ France
Length ✦ 200m
Vertical rise ✦ 100m
Difficulty ✦ v4-a5-II
Max abseil ✦ 55m
Duration ✦ 3h to 4h
Interest ✦ ★★★

Access to the place

On the D368 road from Porto-Vecchio to the Col de Bavera, after the Ospedale and about 1km above the dam, park on the side in a bend (before the large tourist parking lot... for a fee!).

Map & topo

Itinerary description

Hiking to the start 30'

Take the diagonal downhill path that joins the tourist trail below. Descend and climb again to reach a plateau. The torrent, the Osu, is just below. Descend again to find the entrance to the gorge, with a basin to swim in to reach abseil 1.

Course 2h30 à 3h

A very aquatic canyon, with lots of flow. The sequence of difficulties is very close together and intense. Handrails and cables have been installed to facilitate access to the belays, but some are tired or broken in contact with the water. The equipment for the final 55m abseil is impeccable, just a few metres to the left of the waterfall.

The first 2 abseils (double small step then 6m waterfall) are so steep that it's best to climb the left bank on a ledge to abseil 10m directly(abseil 1, 10m). We then swim into the basin to reach abseil 2 (6m) on the right bank edge. We descend into another basin and, swimming on the right-hand side, reach abseil 3 with no problem. This abseil 3 (8m) on an incline takes the very strong flow that you have to cross to reach the right bank.

It's fair to say we didn't dare attempt the T7 slide or abseil 4 (7m), given the strength of the flow. There's then a right bank handrail leading to a knotted rope to avoid the slide. The next problem is to cross the last basin before the big waterfall, which is caught in a very strong current (broken lifeline).

After several attempts, we reach the left bank to emerge on the rim of the big waterfall: very impressive. All that remains is to declare ourselves on the left side of the very vertical wall (handrail and pedal put down to help).

Abseil 5 (55m) is a major climb, along the water spray and into the active water at the end. Very impressive. At the bottom, de-escalate on the left bank to reach a granite platform and admire the waterfall and those that follow! End of obstacles and canyon.


From the bottom of the waterfall, take the steep path along the 1st ravine on the left bank. Higher up, you join the tourist trail that leads back to the plateau and then to the starting parking lot.



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