

Riale di Boggera inferiore, Osogna

Publié le | Ticino Eng, Switzerland

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In the same area as the Riale di Censo, the lower part of the Riale di Boggera is shorter and well frequented by canyoning enthusiasts and bathers, particularly in the lower section. Open to the valley, which can be seen almost all the time, this is a series of jumps, slides and waterfalls to descend. Although it's not very steep and not very difficult, there are still a number of obstacles to negotiate. Fun, but not necessarily an introductory canyon. The succession of small basins and waterfalls is beautiful, but lacks a little of the wild side.

Technical summary

Type ✦ Water canyon
Location ✦ Osogna
Region ✦ Ticino
Country ✦ Switzerland
Length ✦ 500m
Vertical rise ✦ 210m
Difficulty ✦ v3-a3-II
Max abseiling ✦ 27m
Duration ✦ 3h to 3h30
Interest ✦ ★★

Access to the place

Between Claro and Biasca, on the small road that runs along the Ticino to the east, turn off at Lodrino, pass under the railroad line and return south to the small parking lot, the starting point for the approach and return.

Map & topo

Itinerary description

Hiking to the start 30'

From the parking lot, follow the blue arrows. The path climbs steadily through the undergrowth, winding up the right bank of the canyon. You cross the torrent at a waterfall for the 1st time to cross to the left bank, then a second time to cross it again to the right bank before returning to it. The start of the lower section is here, at the level of a large basin at the finish of another waterfall in the upper section.

Course 3h

The canyon is fairly short, but the close succession of obstacles makes for slow progress. The equipment in place is good, with rappels on 2 points often linked and fixed-knot ropes for some tricky passages.

Some of the jumps and slides indicated in the Ticino guidebook seemed risky, perhaps because of the lack of water. Many of the abseils are active, and the rock, covered with lichen and moss, is particularly slippery.

The abseils in the cascade are more likely to be made in the active section, in small, well-sculpted hollows down to the bottom and at the exit near the start parking lot.

Before setting off, call the Infoline on +41 91 756 66 15 for information on forecast water releases from the upstream dam.


You arrive about 100m from the starting parking lot. Just take the stony path to the left along the railway line.


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