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Via ferrata Croqueta de Obarra, Bonansa

Publié le | Aragon Eng, Spain

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The via ferrata Croqueta de Obarra in the Val d'Isabena, below the Val d'Aran, is an aerial route designed to climb the large rocky peaks that dominate the valley. It's a varied route, with the equivalent of 2 via ferrata located one above the other. The upper section is rather sporty and challenging, with some very aerial pitches and the feeling of climbing a long route. Above our heads, majestic vultures turn and fly silently and effortlessly. It's an impressive route and a great way to get out and about in the Val d'Aran, in a guaranteed natural setting.

Technical summary

■ Starting point: Ballabriga, Bonansa, province of Huesca, Aragon, Spain
Type of route: via ferrata
■ Direction: south-east
Length: 1000 m
■ Vertical rise: +360 m
Estimated total time: 3h to 4h
■ Min and max altitude: 1050 m / 1396 m
Equipment in place: rungs, 3 bridges, rescue belay
Equipment required: standard equipment

Difficulties: long vertical pitches and a few airy traverses, lots of passages where you have to use holds in the rock to progress. There are also a few short, slightly overhanging sections.

Access to the place

On the N-230 linking Lleida to Vielha and the Val d'Aran, turn west onto the N-260 a few kilometers north of Pont de Suert, and quickly fork onto the A-1605 towards Bonansa. Pass through the village and continue until you reach a series of tunnels. At the end of the last tunnel, you'll see the Obarra monastery on your left, and the start of the ferrata on your right. Continue for 100 m to the small road on the right that leads to Ballabriga. Leave the car there, as this is the arrival point for the return journey.

Map & topo

Voir en plein écran

Itinerary description

Hiking to the start 20'

Simply head back down the road from Ballabriga to return to the A-1605 at the exit of the last tunnel. The ferrata starts here.

Course 2h30 à 3h

Part 1

The 1st part is easy, with a series of small walls to negotiate, traverses and small ledges to reach a slope of vegetation higher up where you can walk. After a few minutes' walk, the path leads to the foot of a large vertical wall equipped with a large flight of rungs. This is the start of the hostilities!
Part 2

A beautiful, long, continuous section that quickly gains height. After 30 or 40m of climbing, there's a fairly aerial passage with a slight overhang to negotiate to get higher up. Above this, the climb continues vertically to end on a pretty aerial traverse leading to the 1st Tibetan bridge stretched between 2 rocky pitons. From here, we're on the 1st summit, facing the next piton: l'aiguille de la Croqueta. We then have to unclimb a small dihedral to reach the second, shorter bridge and find ourselves at the foot of the final section.
3rd section

From here, we climb a huge, very vertical and aerial pitch on a ridge, and much higher up, the route goes left to cross and skirt the aiguille from the side. There's a lot of gas under our butts! Finally we reach the 3rd bridge, which takes us to a different wall. Attack of the last pitch, still very vertical, with a few diagonal steps that weren't easy at the start, to finally emerge on the summit of La Croqueta.


Descend on the north side, de-escalating until you reach a small pass and then take the GR 18-1 on the left, which will take you back to the village of Ballabriga, where you'll find the starting parking lot.


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