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Ferrata de Liaucous

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The via ferrata at Liaucous, just before Le Rozier, overlooks the village and offers a bird's-eye view of the surrounding gorges. Two intertwining routes are possible, reminiscent of the Baumes Corcades in Centelles (Catalunya): the moderately-difficult blue route, which winds its way up the wall, and the extremely-difficult (!) red route, which we of course tried out. Confirmation: it's vertical, overhanging and very physical. Very well equipped, almost too well, with rungs and a few small steps, it's a real handful. Several monkey bridges, a beautiful Tibetan footbridge and a gigantic "end-of-the-world" zip-line at the summit. Up, over, down and back again, it's like being in the Agulles Rodones (Sant Feliu, Catalunya). The views along the way are superb, so a must if you're in the area.

Technical summary

Type ✦ Via Ferrata
Location ✦ Liaucous
Region ✦ Aveyron
Country ✦ France
Vertical rise ✦ 250m
Length ✦ 1050m
Difficulty ✦ K5
Duration ✦ 1h30 to 2h

Access to the place

A quick and easy drive from Millau towards the Gorges du Tarn. Just before the fork towards Le Rozier and the Jonte gorges, turn left onto the small road leading up to the village of Liaucous. Pass under the village and follow the road above it to the parking lot. The via ferrata is superbly signposted from here.

Map & topo

Itinerary description

Hiking to the start 20'

Very obvious, with the rock just above your head. The path behind the cemetery is well signposted and a must. Further up, there's a fork to the left and then you come to the start, at the foot of the cliff.

Course 1h

The ferrata faces south and southwest, and comprises 2 routes, blue and red. Some sections are shared. The red ED route is more on the right. There are numerous obstacles: 4 overhanging sections, 9 bridges and 1 huge zip line!

1st section

Joint start in a dihedral, then the red attacks hard on a good, overhanging pitch, a flat and a second, less tense pitch. It's hot from the start. We then join the blue to cross to the right with 2 monkey bridges (or 3?). We then pass through a deep chimney and the paths separate again.
2nd part

A vertical pitch and an easy but airy traverse followed by another monkey bridge. Further on, we emerge below the main pitch: an impressive overhanging pitch which then passes over the side of a large ball of stone, literally above the void! 15 m vertical, a tricky traverse with a mini-bridge and then a very steep exit. The traverse is fairly easy, just as airy as you'd like...
Part 3

We descend gently, then steeply back to the blue, cross and pass a beautiful Tibetan footbridge. Then it's back into the red. Several vertical pitches, interspersed with monkey bridges, lead to a change of wall and a fully loaded finish at the summit.


It starts with a long (and avoidable) 50 m zip-line, with an invigorating finish on a cushioning mat, if you don't miss it. Then follow the signposted path that climbs a little, heads east and then gradually descends to the village.


The topo of the via ferrata on viaferrata.fr



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