
TOPO Snowshoeing | CLIMBING7.COM

Pic de l’Homme via Lac d’Aygue Longue and Col de la Parade, La Llau, Orgeix

Publié le | Ariege, France Eng

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Magnificent winter outing, combining a first part on snowshoes and a second, more alpine part with crampons, to almost reach the summit of Pic de l'Homme and enjoy an exceptional panorama of the Ariege and Catalan Pyrenees. Start at the end of the trail up the steep valley of the Ruisseau d'Orgeix, at the Llau parking lot. A long ascent due south to reach the beautiful Lac d'Aygue Longue, totally frozen at this time of year. From here, aim for the Col de la Parade, which separates the Pic de la Girouneille on the right and the Pic de l'Homme on the left. Finally, we climb up the steep, airy South-East ridge to the summit, which precedes the Pic de l'Homme, but is separated by a ridge too steep for our equipment of the day.

Technical summary

The information below concerns the complete itinerary, including the snowshoe and crampon sections.

Departure point: Parking de la Llau, Orgeix, Ariège (09)
Type of route: out-and-back snowshoe and crampon hike
Distance: 12 km
Cumulative elevation gain: +995 m
Cumulative negative altitude gain: -995 m
Estimated total time: 5h to 6h
■ Min and max altitude: 1420 m / 2464 m
■ S ignposting: yellow PR but not very visible in winter.
Equipment in place: none
Equipment required: GPS track if necessary, snowshoes, crampons and ice axe (only for the second part).

Difficulties: a steep section to cross to reach the lake on snowshoes, the ascent of the Pic de l'Homme via the Col de la Parade from the lake is steep and sustained.

Access to the place

On leaving Ax-les-Thermes in the direction of Andorra, before joining the N20, turn left towards Orgeix and the Orlu valley. In the village of Orgeix, cross the Oriège on a narrow bridge and take the road/trail heading south towards La Llau and Lac d'Aygue Longue. 7km of chaotic road/trail up the north-facing slope to the Llau plateau, where the final parking lot is located, after passing the Cabane de l'Anyell Morta.

Map & topo

The route shown on the map corresponds to the summer trail; the winter route may differ depending on snow conditions.

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Itinerary description

Part 1: Parking de la Llau to l'Orri de la Coume (1637m, 40')

Follow the winding track into the forest. After many wide switchbacks and a gradual ascent, the trail emerges from the forest at a small hut, l'Orri de la Coume. The valley of the Ruisseau de la Vallée d'Orgeix opens up to the south, indicating the direction to take to reach the Lac d'Aygue Longue.
Part 2: Orri de la Coume to Lac d'Aygue Longue (2076m, 1h to 1h30)

In front of the hut, cross the stream on the small footbridge to the right bank and follow the PR trail, not very visible at this time of year under the snow, up towards the south. It gradually climbs diagonally, cutting across the western slope of the Sarrat de Coste Rébenc. Higher up, the path crosses the left bank of the stream at a water regulation channel upstream of Saut d'Aygue Longue. Continue to the south, crossing back over to the right bank and climbing back up along the stream. The ascent is made in stages, passing through hollows or rounded reliefs. Finally, you come out on a wide flat in front of the Lac d'Aygue Longue. The valley floor is closed off just above by the rocky cirque formed by Pic de la Girouneille and Pic d'Aygue Longue.
Part 3: Lac d'Aygue Longue to the near summit of Pic de l'Homme (2460m, 1h to 1h30)

Walk along the left side of the lake, looking towards the Col de la Parade, clearly visible between the cirque of the Pic de la Girouneille and the south-west ridge of the Pic de l'Homme. Put on your crampons and climb up the steep main couloir to the Col de la Parade, at 2241m, with its superb south-west view of the Jasse de la Parade.

From here, tackle the southwest ridge of Pic de l'Homme, following the visible path or staying close to the edge of the ridge on the less steep northwest side. The ascent is steep, sustained and aerial, but not technically difficult. We finish on a small summit ridge close to the true summit of Pic de l'Homme, now difficult to reach without rope access.
Part 4: Pic de l'Homme summit to Llau parking lot (2h to 2h30)

Follow the same itinerary. The descent is impressive, as it is aerial and overlooks Lac d'Aygue Longue at the very bottom. You can put on your snowshoes again at the lake and return to the Orri de la Coume hut, then follow the trail to the Llau parking lot.


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