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Via ferrata de la crête de Combe la Roche, Arvieux

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Sur le pont de singe final

Above Arvieux and below the Col de l'Izoard, the via ferrata des crêtes de Combe la Roche offers a challenging, sporty and athletic route to the alpine pastures of Clapeyto at over 2100m altitude, home to some magnificent traditional Queyras chalets. The route becomes increasingly difficult, and the final wall requires a series of increasingly aerial passages, with a few small overhanging sections. The nearby via ferrata at Pra Premier is easier and more accessible, and can be used to complete a day in the area as a warm-up or as a cool-down.

Technical summary

■ S tarting point: above the Izoard campsite, Brunissard, Queyras, Hautes-Alpes (05)
Type of route: high-mountain via ferrata
■ Direction: north-east
Fitted length: 500 m
Positive vertical drop: +300m
Estimated total time: 2h to 3h
■ Min and max altitude: 1900 m / 2320 m
Equipment in place: rungs, 2 monkey bridges
Equipment required: standard equipment

Difficulty: D+ or K4, very aerial, athletic final sections with slightly overhanging sections

Access to the place

From Guillestre, as you enter the Queyras, climb up to Chateau-Queyras and Saint-Véran on the D902. Before Chateau-Queyras, turn off towards Arvieux, staying on the D902. Pass Arvieux, La Chapl and in Brunissard, turn towards the Izoard campsite and the ferratas, which are signposted. The road winds its way up the narrow valley, literally crossing the campsite and parking higher up before the hairpin bends in the piste. The approach starts from here, for the 2 ferratas.

Map & topo

The red ferratas and the start of the return from the top are indicative.

Voir en plein écran

Itinerary description

Hiking to the start 15' à 20'

From the parking lot, take the narrow forest path and follow the signs. Further down, you reach a track to the right, and after a sharp bend and a short straight stretch, you'll find the information panel. Follow the small, fairly steep path along a scree to reach the base of the wall and the start of the ferrata.

Course 1h30 à 2h

The ferrata, which is free of charge, is open from June 1 to October 15.

The first vertical wall (D- or K3) can be climbed without too much difficulty, with some rock contact for hands and feet. This leads to a ridge that is easier to walk/climb up.

Higher up, climb an airy slab, then cross in several places, sometimes just with the rock, and continue alternating walking and small jumps to finish on a small shoulder below the final wall (AD or K2).

At this point, the difficulties are stepped up a notch. The climb continues obliquely to the left to reach a wide dihedral with a very physical and vertical section, even slightly overhanging, which is a real handful (10 to 12m). The route continues above other small, athletic sections before finding either the escape route on the right (old route), or the final section with a traverse on a mini monkey bridge above the void and slightly overhanging, and the final monkey bridge (presentation photo). Final section in D+ or K4.

Exit onto a gassy but easy ridge to finish the route and reach the ridge, the final point of the ferrata.


From the summit, follow the wooden signs "Retour" up the ridge before dropping into the basin behind in the forest on a steep path. At the bottom, you pass a small isolated hut before joining the signposted path to Pré Premier, where you'll find a small pond and grassy plateau. Follow the trail down to the parking lot, then cut through the scree and into the forest.


Description of the local 2 ferrata on altituderando.fr



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