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Cast-Urquiza-Olmo, Montrebeï

Publié le | Catalunya Eng, Spain

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Corça, at the end of Catalunya to return to Montrebeï and discover a new via ferrata that climbs one of the great western ridges of the Pertusa rock, above the Lac de Canelles. The route, rated V+, is solid, physical and very aerial. The setting is simply sumptuous, with the turquoise waters of the Pantano underfoot, reflecting the gigantic walls of Aragón and Catalunya for the pleasure of the eyes and the sensations of free flight. The equipment is excellent, with a slightly tense start, a suspension bridge, an interminable vertical ridge to thread through before warming up in a good overhang 200m from the ground, and water at last. In short, a magnificent ferrata, difficult and demanding, and quite vertiginous.

Technical summary

Location ✦ Corça, Ager
Region ✦ Montrebei, Catalunya
Country ✦ Spain
Type ✦ Via ferrata
Vertical rise ✦ 110m
Difficulty ✦ K5
Distance ✦ 225m
Duration ✦ 2h to 2h30

Access to the place

40 kms before Leida (coming from Barcelona on the A2), turn north to Balaguer and then Ager on the edge of Catalonia. Go as far as the village of Corça, 7 kms from Ager. As you enter Corça, turn right onto the semi-bitumen track towards La Pertusa and its hermitage. After a few hairpin bends and a few minutes, you come to a cul de sac at the top of the Pertusa rock, at the foot of the pantano de Canelles. Parking here is the starting point for the ferrata.

Map & topo

Itinerary description

Hiking to the start 20'

From the parking lot, head due west along the Pertusa ridge towards the hermit's house. The narrow path descends to the left along the south face of the Pertusa. Follow the green and white dots. After a maximum of 10′ you'll reach the start of the Olmo-Soler ferrata on the right, which corresponds with the end of the Teletubbies ferrata. Continue downhill a little to the left, this time following the red and white dots. Almost at the bottom, there's a passage, the Pas de la Piula, inside a rocky fault (or over it with a few rungs). Continue towards the pantano to find the start of the Teletubbies in 1st position, then the start of the ferrata.

Course 1h à 1h30

The ferrata was opened in 2005 and faces south-west. The equipment is excellent and varied. A 2x30m safety rope may be required.

Part 1

A tricky start! A traverse then a vertical pitch with the help of small inclined iron rods, and 2 chains hanging down to secure yourself, hence the name els penduls. Good V° that immediately sets the mood. The next part is easier, with rungs and good holds on the rock. Continue up the ridge and walk under the suspension bridge. We've already gained height and the ridge path overlooks the waters of Canelles.
Part 2

To reach the bridge, there are one or two fairly athletic steps on a slight incline, and the rungs are quite far apart. The bridge is comfortable, however. Continue up the rocky ridge that follows. There are a few rungs, but the passage is not wide and can pose a few balance problems. This brings us much higher up to the foot of a long vertical pitch equipped with grapas and thick nails lined up in rows.
Part 3

The Bandera is impressive because the step, though repetitive, requires a lot of energy and the grapas are quite far apart. All the more so as there's a lot of gas below and the wall is vertical. At the very bottom, you can see the Jembe bridge, which gets smaller as you climb. Very nice length.
Part 4

At the end of the route, you come to a slight overhang below what is perhaps the hardest, or at least the most challenging, part of the ferrata: an overhang you have to cross, suspended in the void, and a not-so-obvious recovery exit. Then continue for the last few metres to reach the final shelf, where you join the Olmo-Soler ferrata. All of a sudden, the North face of La Pertusa comes into view, with the magnificent Aragón and Catalunya walls seemingly tumbling into the Noguera at the Montrebei congost.


Continue along the ridge, finishing the Olmo-Soler ferrata in around 20′. A few chains and bars to finally climb up the rocky ridge to the hermit's house. The path descends a little on the north side to reach the Pertusa parking lot below.


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