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Canal de los Olmos, Montrebeï

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Brand-new via ferrata in the Montrebeï area, in the Montsec d'Ares, on the border between Catalunya and Aragón. A fairly short, but difficult and demanding route, it's also well worth the detour to discover the area and enjoy the exceptional panorama of the Pantano de Canelles and the Montrebeï congost. The place is quite magical and resourceful. A little further on, as far as La Pertusa, you'll have access to other ferratas, dry canyon descents and sport and big-pitch climbing. Access to the pantano from Corça allows you to enjoy the water, swimming or kayaking, and to bivouac in ideal conditions.

Technical summary

Location ✦ Corça, Ager
Region ✦ Montrebei, Catalunya
Country ✦ Spain
Elevation gain ✦ 110m
Difficulty ✦ K5
Distance ✦ 200m
Duration ✦ 3h to 3h30

Access to the place

Drive to the village of Corça, about 10 km from Ager, north of Lleida, on the border between Catalunya and Aragón. Park before entering the village (which is on the left) in a parking area on the left, opposite the fork leading to La Pertusa.

Map & topo

Itinerary description

Hiking to the start 45'

Take the small road towards Pertusa (GR1). Walk for about 1km, then in a right-hand bend, at about the level of the aiguille Gabriella (loose rock), a cairn on the right and a field. Cross it towards the cliffs, then enter the groves and turn right to find the approach path with white dots and yellow center and small yellow hanging stripes. Climb roughly at sight to emerge under Gabriella (!). Follow the base on the left to see the starting chimney (departure not visible until now).

Course 2h

The southwest-facing via ferrata is perfectly equipped with chains, grapas and mini nails (2014) and climbs 110m up the wall. With some very vertical pitches, overhangs, a chimney and a bridge over a metal beam, the route is rated Very Difficult. The equipment is generous, but you also need to make good use of the rock to climb in several places. Allow between 1h and 1h30 for the climb.

Part 1: the chimney

Climb up between the aiguille Gabriella and the wall using large chains, then vertically on small grapas before changing sides and finishing on the summit of the aiguille. No great difficulty, but an aerial and athletic length. Nice panorama from the summit. You then have to cross 6 or 7m balancing on a steel beam to reach the main wall.
Part 2: the traverses

It starts with a difficult de-escalation and a very physical and technical traverse. This is followed by a nice little vertical pitch on a minimally equipped crack, which feels like trad climbing. A second easy traverse of around twenty metres with a splendid view of the Pantano.
Part 3: the finale

A first invigorating pitch on a slight overhang equipped with grapas, then after a flat, the final pitch in a sort of dihedral equipped with nails and grapas. You emerge onto a small platform overlooking the valley, the pantano, just below the ridge.


Climb back up following the markers in place (ceramic dots, yellow strips, cairns) and you come out on the ridge with an incredible panorama! Head back east along the ridge and join a fairly wide, somewhat abandoned track to follow for about 15′. The track climbs further, passing over Corça, and in the middle of the climb, fork right onto the downhill path (small stick painted green on a cairn): a long, gentle, winding descent to the parking lot (green paint marks).



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