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Plan de Montmajou, Artigue, Bagnères-de-Luchon

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Sous le Plan de Montmajou

Overlooking Bagnères-de-Luchon and on the border ridge with Spain, the Plan de Montmajou snowshoe hike offers lovely aerial panoramas and some emblematic Pyrenean peaks: Maupas, Crabioules, petit and grand Quayrat, the Maladeta massif and the Aneto peak. Once above the forest, the GR10 takes you to the Cabane de Saunère, then up the Serrat de Crèspès to the summit of the Plan de Montmajou at 2081m, shortly before reaching the Pic de Bacanère, visible to the northeast. The return journey via the Cabane d'Ourdiès, a little further north, completes the loop before returning to the village of Artigue. A classic outing, popular, accessible but, depending on snow conditions, fairly long and physical.

Technical summary


Snowshoe hike. 935m ascent, 13 kilometers distance. Maximum altitude of 2081m at the summit of Plan de Montmajou.

Geographical situation

Departure from the hamlet of Artigue, above and to the east of Bagnères-de-Luchon in Haute Garonne (31).

Technical difficulties

The descent from the summit to the north is quite steep, also to reach the Ourdiès hut.


Orientation on the way up is straightforward, as you follow the GR10. The return journey is a little more ad hoc, but not too difficult.

Field and environnement

Bottom of hike in forest, rest on ridge, potentially exposed to wind.

General review

A classic outing, popular, accessible but, depending on snow conditions, fairly long and physical. Beautiful panoramas and the authentic village of Artigue.

Access to the place

Just before Bagnères-de-Luchon, at Juzet-de-Luchon, climb up the west-facing slope on the D46 towards Sode and continue on the minor road to Artigue. Park at the last bend before the village in the hikers' parking lot. Starting altitude 1220m. There is a viewpoint and an orientation table facing south.

Map & topo

The descent route from the summit to the cabane d'Ourdiès and the junction with the piste is indicative.

Voir en plein écran

Itinerary description

Hiking to the start

From the parking lot, walk along the road through the village of Artigue. On the other side, there's another parking lot. Cross it on the way up and continue on the GR10. This is a wide, winding track that climbs due east through the forest until you reach the upper track and the fork in the road: on the left is the return path, on the right the track climbs due south through the forest.


1st part: Saunères hut and Plan de Montmajou (2h to 2h30)

The trail gradually climbs upwards through the forest before leaving it and joining the ridge at the small Saunères hut, overlooking Bagnères-de-Luchon. The panoramic view to the south is superb. From here, climb north-east above the Cabane to the ridge, follow it a little and then pass over the northern slope of Serrat de Crèspès. You can see the Pic de Bacanère coming into view. The path gradually climbs back up and finally returns to the ridge at a large flat area. Descend slightly, then tackle the big bump that's right there, the Plan de Montmajou. Up there, it's almost pla, and you're on your way to the border, this time overlooking the Les valley that leads to the Val d'Aran. A spectacular view to the south, with La Maledata and the Aneto just to your left.
Part 2: Col des Taons de Bacanère and Cabane d'Ourdiès (1h30 to 2h)

Go back a little and descend due north to the Col des Taons de Bacanère towards the ridge that joins the Pic de Bacanère. At the pass, there are the ruins of an old building. Cross the pass, keeping level, and then descend the ridge which plunges westwards to the Ourdiès hut below. Pass under the hut and continue downhill. You then join a path and the return track. Make a hairpin turn and head east on this track. It rises slightly to enter the forest again. The trail then meanders along the level terrain, eventually returning to the start of the loop.


Take the GR10 down the track and the big hairpin bends to the village of Artigue and then to the starting parking lot.


Topo of the same loop on rando-marche.fr



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