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Petite Chaurionde, Seythenex

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To the south of the Bauges massif, starting from the small ski resort of Le Vargnoz, La Petite Chaurionde is a popular local run, offering a pretty valley to ski and an aerial view to the south from the ridge. The gradual but steeper ascent on the final stretch is made in the shade before a descent along the same path into the wide combe of the Nant Sec stream.

Technical summary

Type ✦ Ski touring

Location ✦ Seythenex, Faverges

Region ✦ Massif des Bauges, Haute-Savoie

Country ✦ France

Orientation ✦ Northwest

Max altitude ✦ 2123m

Ascent length ✦ 5,4kms

Vertical drop ✦ 975m

Difficulty ✦ R-2.3-E1

Max. gradient ✦ 35

Duration ✦ 2h to 3h

Interest ✦ ★

Access to the place

From Seythenex, north-west of Albertville, drive up to the Vargnoz ski resort, where you can park under the start of the (only!) chairlift.

Map & topo

Voir en plein écran

Itinerary description

Hiking to the start 5'

Start out on the path/trail for a few minutes to find the fork to start the ascent.

Course 2h à 2h30

At the 1st bend in the trail, continue straight ahead on a wide corridor that climbs gently up into the forest. After about 20 minutes, the trail continues, but on a steeper slope. You soon see the rocky bars above (Pointe de la Sambuy). You then approach the Chalets, which you can see in the distance.

Before reaching them, cut underneath to cross the bed of the Nant Sec stream and reach the bottom of the combe. The remaining 400-500m of ascent is made up of large hairpin bends, then smaller ones higher up where the slope becomes steeper. The final section is quite steep and, depending on the conditions, knives may come in handy.

A not-so-wide ridge leads west to a small summit that can be reached with a little more time. Nice view over the valley to the south.

Ski back

The first slopes are quite steep, then the combe opens up and there are opportunities all around. Ski the valley until you reach the stream below the chalets. Cross and return on the forest track to the bottom. The couloir is fairly narrow but not difficult.



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