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Rio Vero, Sierra de Guara

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Passage sous le rocher

An emblematic canyon of the Sierra, the rio Vero is a grand canyon that crosses the western part of the Massif from north to south, and doesn't disappoint. The translucent turquoise waters of the torrent weave their way between sumptuous orange-grey cliffs, sculpted and dominated by the neck of dozens of large vultures that seem to watch over the area. Beware: don't underestimate this aquatic hike, although it doesn't involve abseiling, but it is long and technical, with chaotic passages that are not easy to negotiate, and especially when the flow is heavy, with holes and siphons to avoid. The rest, the atmosphere and the countless pools and other small jumps and slides are simply magical.

Technical summary

Type ✦ Water canyon
Location ✦ Lecina, Sierra de Guara
Region ✦ Aragon
Country ✦ Spain
Length ✦ 7km
Vertical rise ✦ 120m
Difficulty ✦ v1-a3-III
Max recall ✦ None
Duration ✦ 5h30 to 6h30
Interest ✦ ★★

Access to the place

Between Lerida and Huesca, pass through Barbastro and take the road to Alquezar, parking at the top of the village for the return journey. With a second vehicle, drive back down to Barbastro and take the small A-2205 road to Colungo. After a number of hairpin bends, you drive over a large ridge to the west. Vero Canyon can be seen on the left. Pass the 1st Vero viewpoint parking lot (departure from Portacchia) and further on, you'll find the large Vero parking lot, between km 16 and 17 of the road from Colungo to Arcusa (23 km between the departure and arrival parking lots).

Map & topo

Itinerary description

Hiking to the start 2'

Obvious and almost immediate. From the parking lot, follow the path down to the Vero riverbed and the concrete footbridge. Pass underneath to equip yourself and begin the canyon.

Course 5h à 6h

It's an aquatic hike without abseiling, but with the difficulty of the 7km descent and the chaos to negotiate.

Difficult to divide up the descent. It's a good hour's walk from the start to reach the interesting chasms and narrows, even if the atmosphere is right from the start.

There are 4 chasms to negotiate, interspersed with more open sections. The water flow can make these passages tricky, with holes and siphons. The 1st chaos, los bloques Ciclopeos, is the deepest, with an underground section. There are also some fine sections under immense rocky vaults. A varied and beautiful route.


From the Villacantal bridge, take the right-bank path, which rises steeply to overlook the Rio Vero and cross a small pass before dropping down to Alquezar.



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