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Via ferrata de Mazamet, Gorges de l’Arnette

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Sous la passerelle, passage aérien

Mazamet's brand-new via ferrata, due to open in early summer 2022, offers a sporty and original way to discover the Arnette gorges and climb vertically up to the ruins of the medieval castle of Hautpoul, in the heart of the Montagne Noire. Equipped with 4 large optional zip lines, the route can be completed safely and at any difficulty level from AD to D. A great option for returning to the region and discovering the medieval village of Hautpoul, its stores, craftsmen and other attractions during the summer months.

Technical summary

■ S tarting point: Mazamet, Tarn (81)
Course type: via ferrata with optional zip lines
■ Direction: north-west
Length: 370 m
Vertical rise: +90 m / +110m depending on options
Estimated total time: 2h to 3h
■ Min and max altitude: 220 m / 300 m
Equipment in place: excellent, bars, beams, monkey bridges and long zip lines
Equipment required: standard equipment

Difficulties: course with or without zip line, AD level and a few D sections including a small D+ overhanging traverse and an aerial step under the footbridge - 3 small monkey bridges

Access to the place

From Mazamet, just before taking the road to Carcassonne, take the small road towards the Arnette gorges and La Passerelle (signposted). You'll soon find a large parking lot on the left, on the site of an old factory whose red-brick chimney can still be seen. This is where you'll find the large ferrata information panel. This is the starting point for the approach walk.

Map & topo

The complete ferrata with all the zip lines is in purple. The last zip line is optional for the return journey.

Voir en plein écran

Itinerary description

Hiking to the start 20'

From the Passerelle parking lot, cross the Arnette and follow the signs to Passerelle. It climbs through the village and then into the forest on a wide, steep, stony path. Further up, there's a fork in the road: straight ahead to do the ferrata without the zip lines, and right for the zip-line option.
The approach to the option without the zip line involves crossing the ridge and descending on the opposite side until you cross the road and climb back up the left bank to find the start (below the finish of zip line no. 1).
The approach to the zip-line option continues uphill until you reach the footbridge at the very top. A little ahead, a small gate leads down to the start of the 1st zip line, on a path with some equipment that passes under the footbridge. You're right in front of the cliff and the Château de Hautpoul. From here, you can see the whole course and the other zip lines.

Course 1h30

Part 1: under the footbridge

Tyrolean traverse no. 1 slides down to the opposite wall under the footbridge and joins the start of the ferrata from the ground. We then start a traverse to the right with 1 beam and the 1st small monkey bridge to cross, to find ourselves above the start of zip line no. 2, which leaves on the opposite side to return directly to the starting point via zip line no. 3 right next to it (round trip not compulsory). The route then skirts around a ridge to pass the second monkey bridge and then attack more vertically under the footbridge, but without difficulty.

Higher up, there's an easy escape route, otherwise continue left to cross the 3rd, more aerial monkey bridge and begin the most aerial and impressive part of the climb. You climb very vertically, then have to pass a slightly overhanging spout to finally exit at the level of the footbridge, probably in full view of passers-by!
Part 2: Towards the castle

Once you've reached the footbridge, continue to the left on easy ground, crossing a last small monkey bridge and finishing with several small jumps or slabs to reach the ruins of the Château d'Hautpoul. At the top, there's a fine view of the gorge, Mazamet and a lively little village with stores, a bar and a restaurant for refreshments.


From the château, take the path back down to the footbridge, where you have 2 options: either go through the small gantry on the left to slide down the huge zip-line n°4 and join the approach path from behind, or cross the footbridge and do the whole approach in the opposite direction to the parking lot.


Castres and Mazamet tourism page dedicated to via ferrata.




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