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Pico de las Nieves, Gran Canaria

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Departure from the summit of Gran Canaria for a light hike offering superb panoramic views over a large part of the island, right up to the neighbouring islands if the weather is good, as it is today! While the Pico de las Nieves is accessible by car, the loop follows the ridges and takes us first to the Campanario (1917m) for a spectacular view due south, then to the summit of El Montañon (1762m) for a bird's-eye view of the entire western part of the island as far as Tenerife's Teide. No difficulty, a reasonable distance and altitude difference, a route away from the world, even if these trails are quite busy.

Technical summary

Type ✦ Hiking

Location ✦ San Bartolomé de Tirajana

Region ✦ Gran Canaria

Country ✦ Spain

Length ✦ 10kms

Difference in altitude ✦ 560m

Difficulty ✦ MD

Max altitude ✦ 1936m

Duration ✦ 3h to 4h

Interest ✦ ★

Access to the place

Wherever you start from, you'll need to take the GC-600 or GC-130 to the center of the island and drive up to the Pico de las Nieves parking lot, the starting and finishing point of the loop. Please note that the parking lot at the top is small, so it's best to arrive early or park further down.

Map & topo

Voir en plein écran

Itinerary description

Hiking to the start 1'

The trail starts 50m from the parking lot with attractive signposts.

Course 2h30

As with most of the treks proposed here, the itinerary follows a combination of trails, some official (S-37, S-51 and S-20), others less so, but in all cases unmarked along the way, with only signposts at important crossroads or junctions. It's best to have the GPS track with you, especially on the return journey from the presa de los Hornos.

It's an easy trail to follow, except if you want to climb to the Campanario's highest peak, where you'll have to get your hands dirty climbing the rock.

Section 1: Campanario, 1917m (30′)

Descend to reach the pass between Pico de las Nieves and Campanario and climb back up through the pines. Keep to the left, on the ridge side, to climb the head of Campanario on sight or following the cairns. You arrive on a small rocky platform 10m below the summit, which you can easily reach by climbing to the south (III). Splendid view at almost 360°.

Part 2: El Montañon, 1762m (1h)

Descend to the west and find the main path below, which continues along the ridge through the pines. Careful, there is a profusion of cairns which in places sow doubt as to which path to follow... You soon reach the Degollada de los Hornos (pass) or just continue straight on the S-51 path which leads to Roque Nublo and Garañon. The path continues westwards, and a little further down you discover a new panorama over the west of the island to the sea. Follow the path north-west up to the round summit of El Montañon, with Roque Nublo in the background.

Part 3: Llano de la Pez (1h)

From the summit, descend on the north-northeast side. There's a short, slightly steeper couloir to descend, then the trail heads west again to descend to the GC-600 road at the start of the tourist trail to Roque Nublo (world!!). Take the path on the other side, which descends below road level and soon turns right, due east, towards Llano de la Pez (S-51). Passing again close to the road, you reach the Presa de los Hornos dam, cross it and climb back up. Follow this wide path, turn right further up at Garañon and follow it to the GC-600 asphalt road. Cross over and follow the road to the Llanos de la Pez picnic area.


To return, go right (red markings) and join a forest track which you follow to the Diaz Beltrana refuge. From here, turn left and climb up through pine-clad valleys to the pass between Pico de las Nieves and Camanario. The short section back to the starting viewpoint remains.



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